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Company Spotlight: Stride Right Published On:


Company Spotlight: Stride Right

We love Stride Rite because they design shoes that are fit and wear tested for the smallest feet. We know how important a good fit is for proper growth and development along with helping new walkers get off on the right foot. Here’s a look at another one of our favorite children’s shoe brands.

Where it All Began
Stride Rite began its journey in 1919 as the Green Shoe Manufacturing Co., a quality children’s shoe manufacturer founded by Jacob Strosberg and Philip Green. By 1924, the company was operating out of a modernized factory and by 1930, more than 3000 shoes were manufactured every day. 
The company began using the brand name “Stride Rite” in 1933, and advertised as the “Shirley Temple’s Official Shoe.” In 1940, the American Medical Association recognized the benefit of Stride Rite shoes, and by 1950 the company was offering several widths for children’s shoe to ensure a better fit. 
The next several decades were full of busy growth and innovation. In 1966, Stride Rite was considered one of the most advanced firms in the U.S. due to their computerized operations. In 1971, they added the first on-site corporate daycare center in the country, and in 1984, Stride Rite pioneered the development of a soft baby shoe. Development also branched out into boots, sandals, running and athletic shoes, and more. 
As the company approaches its 100th birthday, it continues to be pioneers both in shoe development for children and as a workplace for thousands of Americans. Although the company plans on closing many of its retail locations, the expansion of web-based retail and distribution to shoe stores will keep the company going strong for another 100 years. 

Wearing Out Poverty
Soles4Souls is a global effort committed to fighting poverty since 2006. Over the last decade, more than 30 million shoes have been distributed around the world to those in need. Stride Rite is proud to partner with this nonprofit enterprise under the belief that every kid deserves a good pair of shoes. The combined effort of Soles4Soles, Stride Rite, and their many donors and volunteers help keep millions of pounds of waste out of landfills, provide jobs to entrepreneurs in developing countries, and keep feet safe and covered.
Stride Rite has also donated more than $3 million in new shoes via Delivering Good, Inc. (formerly known as K.I.D.S.). Delivering Good strives to bring together manufacturers and retailers with those impacted by poverty to distribute essentials like clothing and shoes. By helping those in difficult situations with these basics, they offer hope, dignity, and self-esteem to children and their families. 

See for Yourself
Purchasing Stride Rite shoes will directly contribute to their efforts while also providing your children with footwear that is made to stand up to the daily demands of busy feet. Stride Rite brands include Sperry and Saucony, along with the Stride Rite branded shoes. Stop into Big ‘n Little Shoes for a custom-fitting and to check out our current lineup of Stride Rite, Sperry, and Saucony shoes for kids.

Tags: Stride Right, children's shoes, kids shoes


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