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Specializing in hard-to-fit children's shoes, we have a wide variety of styles and sizes for every season and every occasion. From rugged boots to ballet slippers, we have what you're looking for. Stop in today for a custom fitting and browse our selection of shoes, socks, tights, jewelry, umbrellas, toys, and more.


The Importance of Quality Shoes Published On:


The Importance of Quality Shoes

With continually growing little feet, your impulse may be to grab the most inexpensive pair of shoes you can find for your little one knowing that they will be outgrown in short order. On the other hand, most of us can probably remember a time (or two!) when we’ve picked up a pair of shoes for our children only to find that they do not fit or are not comfortable.

Although it might seem easier to shop solo, the best way to choose the right footwear for your children is to start with a professional fitting, and then choose a high-quality shoe that is specifically made for the needs of growing little feet.

A Proper Fitting Saves Money

A child’s foot is constantly developing. At birth and until about six months, children’s feet are mostly soft cartilage and can be easily deformed by poorly fitting shoes. By two years, more solid bone is present, but there’s still plenty of room between the bones for growth and development. By 5, your child’s foot will contain 45 separate bones that will slowly fuse together over the next 13 years to make up the 26 adult bones.

That’s a lot of changing!

At each step of the way, the shape and amount of padding on your child’s foot will change. That means that simply going up a size when it’s time for new shoes isn’t always going to result in a shoe that fits. Make sure a professional helps you choose a shoe with the correct width, and one with enough wiggle room in the toes to provide plenty of room to grow without being too loose to provide support. That way, you get the right shoes the first time and avoid spending money on shoes that do not fit or are outgrown too soon.

A Child’s Foot Takes a Beating

Running, jumping, climbing, playing sports, and playing with other kids—all of these are essential to your child’s health. They also result in a lot of scraped elbows, skinned knees, and stress on little feet. All of this activity requires plenty of shock absorption. It’s also essential to choose a shoe that is flexible so your child’s feet continue to develop properly. Some children’s shoes may look great on the outside, but inside they do not provide the right foundation to keep your child’s feet healthy.

Materials Matter

Children’s shoes come in a variety of materials, but not all of them are suitable for little feet. For one thing, feet sweat—a lot! If the shoe material is not breathable, then not only will those shoes get stinky, but your child’s feet will also be more susceptible to fungal infections and other skin issues. Plus, shoes that are continually damp will break down faster and need to be replaced sooner. Even sturdy, moisture resistant winter boots must be made from a breathable material to ensure foot health, and every day shoes should be made from natural materials like leather and canvas. Synthetic materials and plastics are not breathable or flexible, and will lead to blistered, sweaty feet.

Start off on the Right Foot

When your child is ready for the next pair of shoes, stop in for a professional shoe fitting first. Our team is specially trained to measure the smallest feet, and to help you find the perfect shoe for your children. We also carry a complete line of shoes that are just right for all ages and activities—from indoor sports to dress shoes to winter boots. Come by and see what’s new for winter!

Tags: Quality Shoes, Children's Shoes


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